I recently ran across a post that showed a copy of Dune left behind at a hotel in lieu of a Gideon's Bible. I found the image fitting and right in so many ways. And it stuck with me. I kept coming back, until I realized that it was a worthwhile endeavour to start. So the Fellowship of St. George was born. And what better book to begin with than one with a dragon. Or THE Dragon. The Dragon upon which so many others are based. The Hobbit is one of the earliest books that I remember reading. The copy at the school library was an older one that was an off shade of green detailing the map of Middle Earth. I adored it and read it every chance I could get. The checkout card(for those of you who remember that system) had my name covering it. I think that I might have been the only one who checked it out, in fact. So, to share books and the love of them with the world. I hope that some of you join me on this journey, There and Back Again even. Maybe some of you will find a book left by...